Clear The Clutter From Your Life

As we move into late summer, nights draw in and flowers bow their heads toward the earth turning to seed. This is a good time in the natural cycle of the seasons to take stock. We can look around us to see what can be gathered, harvested and kept, and to find what has now ‘gone off’  and is no longer needed.

Clutter and Space Clearing

Space or clutter clearing often comes up for my clients in kinesiology sessions, so it seems to me that the energy in our homes contributes considerably towards our well-being; allowing us good energy when it is working well for us, and our energy being depleted when it is not so great.

Here are some case study examples of space or clutter clearing coming up in my client sessions:

Related to: Tiredness and feeling of gloom. Negative energy in the house, created by the clients’ thoughts of resentment about a house issue.
Solution: Clearing old energies by lighting a candle, apologising and offering thanks and love to the house instead.

Related to: Back pain in bed at night and waking exhausted in the morning, which came ‘out of the blue’. We found this was due to a huge bag of crystals that had been brought into the house, and left next to the bed where my client had been sleeping.
Solution: remove crystal from the bedroom, cleanse them, and place them around the house in appropriate places.

Related to: Feeling generally ‘out of sorts’ with living arrangements.
Solution: Clutter clearing a persons possessions (who had long passed away) out of the house, with the intention of loving and remembering them without the old belongings being in inappropriate area of the house, gathering dust.

When the body presents stuck old energy to be released in a kinesiology session (discovered though muscle monitoring), it follows that the client then clear the old energy from their home, so they are no longer affected by it and can maintain the good energy levels achieved in their session, once home again.

De-cluttering your living space

De-clutter objects, and old things. Ask yourself – is it functional, sentimentally still valid, being used, worn, or appreciated? (With clothing, I ask myself, ‘have I worn it in the last 18 months’?) If not, charity box or recycle / bin it.

Clean the area.

Space: Clear the area (or get someone with experience of this in to help you)

Organise: Do you need more storage items of furniture, or can you use/ rearrange places that have now become clearer? Put things in logical places. It the area functional and aesthetically pleasing to you?

Intuitive Placement – feel out the best places to put your belongings.

Clutter clearing can extend to other areas in your life

My advice is to deal with the physical areas around you first, such as house, car etc, before working on more energetic changes. This will act as a good foundation, making it easier to let go of any emotional / mental / spiritual issues you may then want to release. You might like the support of an experienced therapist to safely help you with these personal changes.

Further clutter clearing themes

Disconnecting from things you have outgrown; people, places, things.

Connecting to that which is appropriate for who you are and what you want now.

Letting go of old relationships that are no longer good for you and keeping or finding new ones which feel good.

Out with the old and in with the new

Personally, I love a good clear out.  I believe getting rid of what you don’t want makes room for what you DO want to materialise. Try it, and see.

You may also like: Space Clearing in a Therapy Setting

Here are some websites I enjoy for inspiration ~ 3 different approaches.

Karen Kingston ~  About clutter clearing and using Feng Shui to space clear and bring what you want onto your life.
Marie Kondo ~  This lady is a tidying fanatic – right down to how to fold socks!
Courtney Carver ~  Minimalist blogger.
I hold no responsibility for the content found in the above websites.