Find Balance in Uncertain Times

  • Do you feel derailed by the current global crisis?
  • Do you need to let go of a build up of stress and fear?
  • To be able to think clearly, find solutions and get things in perspective?
  • Would you like to have tools to use when you feel anxious, stressed, worried or angry?
  • To be able to disconnect from mass consciousness?
  • To feel centred, stable and safe in yourself?

Collectively, we are all producing a lot of fear. This is not surprising considering the circumstances. But did you know that all of the fear you are feeling may not actually be yours?

Because we are all one, we are connected in a shared consciousness. The good news is that we can disconnect from it, by putting our focus and attention on other things, such as nature or being creative.

Once we have released energy that is not ours, we can work with releasing our own stress and worry and finding better ways of being and coping.

As well as being able to support you with stress release, I can share with you simple, effective techniques that will help you to stay grounded and calm, when faced with challenges or overwhelm.

Find balance in uncertain times

Receiving healing can be particularly beneficial at this time, replenishing energy levels and helping boost the immune system. If we calm down our body has a better chance of staying healthy and self healing.

I hope you are coping really well with current circumstances, but if you feel you require extra non-judgemental support, I am here to help you.

I have been offering online sessions to my clients full-time over the last week and am delighted to have heard great feedback! Sessions work just as well online and people are really feeling the benefits!

It is easy to connect on Zoom. I email you a link to click on at your appointment time (no need to sign up to anything). You can use your laptop of mobile phone.

Zoom video calling is fully encrypted and has a key-pad option to type into, if you are worried about being over heard.

Maybe during this down time you have been waking up to ways in which you want to live life. Perhaps you do not want to go back to that job, you are realising what is important to you in life and are considering how you wish to spend your time here.

Earth is re-balancing itself. This is a challenging time for all species on the planet. We are going to find better ways of being and living. Working in harmony with nature and her cycles with honour and respect.

Sessions are available now.  Feel free to contact me for an initial chat to find out more. Tabitha x

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