Resilience for Sensitives

Resilience for Sensitives. How can we stay grounded with the changes taking place in the world and the personal challenges we find in our lives?

We need to keep on top of our stress levels, so that we feel free to go about our lives in a comfortable and meaningful way.

Are you here to take part in the healing that our world so desperately needs right now?

Are you finding it hard to function, to hang on to your own good energy and feelings, due to terrifying and saddening images in the news and social media?

Three Things to Build Resilience Right Now

  1. Constant energy centring into our own bodies
  2. Constant energy grounding into mother earth and being conscious of the natural world around us
  3. Tools such as earth essences and crystals and EMF protective devices to help us stay balanced

Dear Sensitives, learning to manage our energy and be in tune with the right frequencies is imperative at this time in history, to stay balanced and positive and able to do our work.

My set of healing tuning forks which are tuned to 8 Earth Frequencies, are coming up a lot in sessions right now. I feel at this time more than ever, we need to be 'in tune' with the earth, to be nourished by her natural healing energies regularly and to be aware of her needs and able to follow her lead.

Sound Reiki Healing Bristol

Integrated Healing sessions are client led, using feedback from kinesiology muscle monitoring, which means that your body chooses the work that we do. More often then not this includes emotional stress release and bringing in Reiki healing to support your being in re-aligning and balancing your energy, so that you feel calm and centred.

If you feel the need for a private session with me to re-balance your energy, get in touch. I can see you in person, in Bristol or on-line.

Keep shining your light! x

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