Small Changes ~ Big Results

Sometimes small changes can mean big results and sooner than we expect

I saw a client recently, who wanted help with having more confidence. He also had a chronic skin condition, which played a part in this.

During his first kinesiology session, we found that his crown chakra was out of balance.

We balanced the crown chakra using Reiki Healing. The crown is the main area in which we bring universal energy in from source. It seemed that he was not completely aligned with letting good energy in.

I asked him about this and what it might mean to him and his reply was that he didn’t really like himself. So we considered that he may have been unconsciously blocking his own good energy from coming in a little.

For aftercare, I recommended that he list 20 reasons to like himself and why he is a likeable person, along with using positive affirmations of his choice. Some healthier eating options were also indicated during the session.

At his follow-up session he reported that his outlook had changed and he was feeling more confident, also that his partner had remarked that he was ‘completely different’! His skin was also a little better.

Changes can be quick and easy. Are you ready to emerge?

It seemed that this small change of beginning to consciously like himself had made such a big different to him and those around him. He continued to be more confidence and laid back during follow-up sessions.

You might also like: There are no Monsters,  Clearing Self Limiting Beliefs  The Importance of Being Kind To Yourself

Always contact your GP or medical professional in the first instance of illness.  Complimentary Therapy does not diagnose or treat, but works with the whole person and their lifestyle to create positive change.