Hi, I'm Tabitha
Health, healing and emotional well-being have been my main focus in life for the past 30 years. I bring to my sessions almost 20 years of experience working with clients, plus knowledge gained from training listed below.
I am a natural intuitive and had a spiritual awakening in my early twenties, which put me on this career path (sounds lovely but was pretty rocky! Read my story below).
I am able to connect with you to find out what is going on at a deeper level, to help you gain insight and tap into the healing resources that are already within you, to facilitate deep level change.
I am fully qualified and have been a member of The Complementary Therapists Association since 2005. Insured with Holistic Insurance.
I had a case study published in a kinesiology book in 2011.
Proud member of the International House Healers Network.
Tabitha Gale Dip. IH CThA RM
My Story
I discovered Kinesiology as many natural health practitioners do, by having sessions myself.
Due to difficult life events in childhood and my late teens, which affected my self esteem, followed by a stressful event at college, I began suffering with severe anxiety and panic attacks at the age of seventeen.
I had two periods of Agoraphobia (I had anxiety attacks when I went out) - which totally interfered with my life. By my early twenties I had already tried a handful of talking therapies and self-help books and herbal remedies which were supportive but didn't change the way I felt enough to make a difference.
I also experienced 'weird feelings' that knocked me off balance, which I now know to be energetic as I am clairsentient. Something I didn't know existed back then.
Age twenty-four, in my search to feel 'normal' and less anxiety ridden, I was recommended Kinesiology.
I was amazed – the kinesiologist was communicating not just with me consciously, but directly with my body's wisdom, to find the answers we needed for me to feel better.
She used a lot of Emotional Stress Release. which released trauma and stress from past events and allowed me to focus on a positive future.
Within a handful of sessions, I had released stressful events from the past. My panic attacks were fading away and I now had powerful techniques to support myself in staying calm and balanced.
At that time, I pledged to myself that I would one day help others in the same way, because if it had worked for me it could work for others, too!
Then something else happened... I had a spiritual awakening.
These sessions had opened up a whole new energetic (and for me personally a spiritual) dimension to my life, which gave me courage and explained a lot of my previous 'weird' experiences and feelings.
At last my sensitivities were starting to make sense and over the next few years would become my strengths.
I am so grateful I went through those years of anxiety and soul searching, because otherwise I never would have found my calling of supporting others to feel better and be working in a career I absolutely love!
Would you like to arrange a consultation to discover how I can support you? Contact me.
Walking My Talk
- I self test, using my healing ‘tools’ for my own well-being and book regular consultations and energy work sessions with fellow practitioners.
- In my spare time I enjoy life on my houseboat and being close to nature. I can be found relaxing with my other half and my cat.
- Fun fact - my mother is an artist and we are related to Lizzie Siddal of the Pre-Raphaelites, she is my great auntie!
Here is a picture of Elizabeth Siddal's portrait by Dante Gabriel Rossetti on Wikipedia
Opposite is a photo of my floating home.
Would you like to arrange a consultation to discover how I can support you?