Give yourself a positive start to the year!
Here are some ideas I’d like to share with you for a positive year ahead. Small changes can make a BIG difference.
1. Think positive. You ‘can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought’ (title of a book by Peter McWilliams) in these times of change and the negativity around us in the media at present.
2. Talk positive. Positive talk will not only lift your spirits, but those around you too. Talking about the things you want in your life will actually help you to create them. The more you and others hear about it, the more you will believe in your desires becoming a reality, and will attract them to you. Also, telling others about changes you are going to make will give you more leverage in making those changes, as people will ask about your progress.
3. Imagine it happening. Visualise the things you would like to see happen in your life, and in our world. Each time we do this we connect with like-minded people around the world, and create positive ideas that we can turn into action. If you are not a visual person, hear or feel those things instead. Who are or what are you connecting with? Are you connecting and aligning with what you want?
4. Make good use of time. Think about how you would like to spend your time. Cut out the things that you consider a waste of time (e.g. to much television) and fill them with things you really want to put your energy into. You will be so much happier and productive.
5. Live in the moment. Practice ‘mindfulness’ by noticing the details of your surroundings. When you are walking to work or going about daily tasks, bring your awareness into present time, giving yourself a break from thoughts about the past or future. This has a relaxing effect on the mind and therefore the body, as there really is only this moment to deal with – what a relief!
6. Adopt the attitude of gratitude. Noticing and being grateful for the tiniest little things as you go about your day, will help you focus on the positives in your life, and what you DO have, rather than on what you do not. Being grateful for the food on your plate, the warmth of your bed, for example… we have so many things to be grateful for! For me, the most powerful meditation is on gratitude. Being still and counting off all the things I am grateful for never fails to be an extremely powerful and healing experience.
7. Give your time and skills. Is there something you are good at that you would enjoy sharing with others; giving a few hours of your time for free? Who or what might be able to benefit from your knowledge or attention?
8. Make dreams reality. What’s the difference between a dream and a goal? A DATE. Make manageable goals within realistic timescales, and work towards them in small steps.
9. Forgive. Is there anyone you need to forgive? Any circumstances from the year departing that you would benefit from letting go of with love? Perhaps there is something you could forgive yourself for -why not let yourself off the hook? The power is in the present moment – where you are right now. We always learn from our experiences, and can move forward in the knowledge we will do differently or better next time.
10. Do it now! Take action. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the Present.” (Elenor Roosevelt) Getting started with one small step now, will give you the momentum to keep going.
If you practice just 2 or 3 of the above, you will find they make a big difference.
Wishing you a great start to 2019!
If you are doing all the good stuff but still feeling stuck, kinesiology is a gentle, powerful way to identify what is blocking your energy and clear the way for you to move forward. If you would like to work with me in the new year, just get in touch.