Tabitha Gale

Intuitive Coaching & Healing


Consultations to Release and Manage Anxiety

Mentoring for Sensitives & Empaths

House Healing & Space Clearing

Would you like to feel calm within yourself or to enjoy a more comfortable, peaceful home?

Then you have come to the right place, welcome! Contact me to book your free consultation, to find out about 1:1 sessions or House Healing services, without obligation.

1:1 Appointments

Intuitive Coaching & Healing

Release and manage anxiety, stress and overwhelm. Return to your calm self and gain clarity.

Mentoring for sensitives and creatives to thrive.

House healing and space clearing uk

House Healing

House Healing for wellbeing. 

Energy clearing and healing to release detrimental energy.

Optimise the subtle energies of your home. Flourish an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Online courses for calm and confidence


Video content for sensitives, empaths, creatives and those who want to kick fear out of the way and enjoy life.

Energy-work techniques for emotional balance and vibrant energy.

House Healing and working with subtle energy.

I cannot thank Tabitha enough. I wasn’t sure what to expect having never tried any sort of healing before and admit to feeling slightly sceptical initially, but she was able to help with a number of different issues, from my sudden onset of acute anxiety through to sleep issues and helping my symptoms of IBS.

I am still not sure how it worked but the results have been amazing! The calmness I felt after just my first session was really noticeable.

Even though our sessions were via Zoom, this didn’t seem to alter the great results we achieved. I would very highly recommend her for help with any number of health issues, both mental and physical x

